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WLLO Village Newsletter JUNE 30, 2024
Your JUNE 30, 2024 Issue
Phone: (503) 308 - 8223
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This month's articles
(click on the title link to jump directly to the article):




Marjorie spoke to a a full house of interested audience at the LO Adult Community Center about WLLO Village and who we are, sparking lots of questions and interest in our Village.   Great job, Marjorie! 


Village members are invited to North Star Village’s

2024 Aging Well Speaker Series

“Leading a Purpose Driven Life”  presented by Mary Ann Henry, MA, Providence Palliative Care

Friday, July 19, 2:00-3:30 p.m.

at Daybreak Cohousing, 2525 N Killingsworth St, Portland, OR 97217

Pre-registration is required.  Email to RSVP

On the Subject line, write “Positive Aging” and let her know your name and that you are from WLLO Village.


WLLO Is putting together a recommended vendors list and needs your recommendations!  Please send us the names and contact information for providers you have used and would recommend to your friends.  Electricians, Housekeepers, Plumbers, Yard Maintenance, Accountant, etc.  Please contact JB at the office to add your recommendation to our list.  Thank you for helping us help each other!  (503) 308-8223 or email

The Laura Mears Project
In our last newsletter, we introduced an initiative to offer Knox Boxes to members and volunteers.  Remember to respond to the inquiry form we sent out if you would like to participate!  The LO and WL fire departments have a master key to all Knox Boxes and the box allows them to enter your home if there is an emergency rather than breaking down your door. 

Each full service member/household is eligible to receive a Knox box installed in their home at no cost to them and each associate member/household is eligible to receive the same at the approximate  subsidized cost of $115.   Non-member volunteers are eligible to participate at the discounted bulk rate of approximately $230.   Contact our office if you have any questions.  (503) 308-8223 or



This month, we'd like to introduce you to WLLO member May Travers.  Although May has lived in Lake Oswego for a very long time, she's originally from Ireland!

In 1961, married and happily settled in Dublin, May and her husband Kevin decided to come visit friends who had recently emigrated from Ireland to Oregon. While staying with their friends in north Portland, May and Kevin had a wonderful time gathering with groups of Irish friends, singing, dancing, having picnics, and enjoying music. But when May became pregnant during their trip, both she and Kevin decided it didn’t look like they would be returning to Ireland any time soon. They both soon found jobs and settled in Portland. And here is where they began their new family ‑ and new life!
In 1972, May met a Scottish woman who was a champion Irish dancer. Since May was as well, they decided to start an Irish Dance Class for children in Lake Oswego. May and Kevin moved to Lake Oswego where they raised their three children, Fergus, Kathleen, and Niall, who all attended and graduated from Lake Oswego schools.
May thinks that WLLO Village is a wonderful group. She says it’s “So giving, so interesting, and lots of fun! And it is a real pleasure to be a part of.”
Thanks for being a part of our village, May! It’s members like you who make it such a fun and storied group!

Here's a photo of May (on the left) in her Irish Dancing outfit!





We welcome new volunteers!  Think about whether there is something you would like to do to help WLLO Village continue to thrive, or whether you have a friend who'd like to be a WLLO Volunteer.  We welcome all skills and interests, including those listed below.

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in helping with communications – finding or writing monthly newsletter articles, interviewing and writing profiles of our members and volunteers, collecting info about community events, or helping with the formatting and distribution of the newsletter.  Please call the office if you have these skills or would like to help write articles for us! 

We have lots of requests for help in the yard!   Please let us know if you would like to be a volunteer helping in someone’s garden!  

We would welcome some help fulfilling requests for little household projects and repairs. 

Discover the rewards of providing a friendly ride to someone to get to their appointments and errands!  This is a key service of WLLO Village and we can always use more drivers.  Contact the office at (503) 308-8223 or to learn more about what is required.  



Thank you to May Travers who hosted our June bookclub meeting at her home.  We had a lively discussion about Liz Cheney’s book Oath and Honor.  

Join us in July! Sue Driggs will be hosting and we’ll be discussing The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King.

Our upcoming reading list is:

Aug – Honor by Thrity Umrigar (LO Reads)

Sep – First Ladies by Marie Benedict

Oct – Table for Two by Amor Towles

Nov – The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith

Dec – The Women by Kristin Hannah

 Remember to call or email the office if you need a ride.




Understanding These Times:
Leadership: In Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin
A Pulitzer Prize-winning author's guide to leadership, drawing on the experiences of four US presidents who overcame dramatic reversals to become great leaders.

Democracy or Else: How to Save American in 10 Easy Steps
  • Getting informed when you don’t know which influencer to trust (all of them!)
  • Donating and volunteering where you can have the biggest impact
  • Organizing, protesting, and even running for office yourself
  • Staying engaged in politics without losing hope or your mind or all of your friends


Part 1
Terence M. Shumaker

This month let’s examine a topic related to our own survival in an emergency. This discussion is not meant to spread fear and alarm, but merely to let you know that awareness and some level of planning and preparation is always good. As the old expression goes, “It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.”

It’s true, we are not in control. And that is more evident by the increasing ferocity of weather, storms and fires. It has been said that all we ever do is react and respond to conditions around us. And how we react to a situation often determines how we come out on the other side.

So, with the advent of summer, it’s probably a good time to think about how we would react should the unthinkable happen to us. A house fire, or worse, a firestorm sweeping thorough our neighborhood. Things we don’t like to think about, but thinking about it gives us a better chance of reacting to a situation in a rational manner.

With that sobering thought in mind, let’s take a look at some proactive things we can do to help ensure that when and if we have to react in an emergency, it will be based on a rational plan and not emotion.


First, I am not an expert on fire, other than building awesome campfires thanks to Boy Scout training, nor am I a fireman. I can only say that I have done a good bit of study on emergency preparedness, so I can offer a few ideas and links to information that can help you prepare yourself and your family in the time of an emergency.

Awareness in any aspect of our lives is a good thing. And regarding fire, the first line of defense is in our homes.

Whereas we can be proactive in trying to safeguard our homes from fire starting inside, it is more challenging to protect our homes from a wildfire. In the past, major fires occurred mostly in forests and prairies. We called these “forest fires” and “brush fires.” But now, with the effects of climate change creating unpredictable weather and stronger storms, the term “wildfire” is firmly planted in our vocabulary.

As we have seen in wildfires of previous years in California and Oregon, strong winds have driven fire from fields and forests and indiscriminately through towns and residential communities, forcing immediate evacuation of humans and livestock. When these types of fires threaten communities, the best defense is to be prepared to evacuate.


I will not attempt to put into words all of the precautions you should take to protect your home from fire. Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue maintains an excellent list of resources for fire safety, prevention and emergency preparedness. Check them out.

Home fire safety – Excellent video on protecting your home.

Emergency preparedness – Plentiful information on all aspects of emergency and disaster preparedness.

Ready, Set, Go – Complete outline of emergency preparedness steps.


Numerous resources exist for information on preparing for emergencies, and in later articles we’ll examine some. But regarding the topic of evacuating due to a wildfire, there is one important resource we should all think about buying or making. It’s called a “Go Bag,” or “Bug Out Bag.” This is preferably a backpack located where it can be quickly grabbed on your way out the door to your car. You can make your own, or any number of companies will be happy to take your money for a complete go bag. Here’s a few resources.

Build your own go bag – Red Cross

Build a Kit - FEMA

Commercial go bag – Judy Company. Their bags contain a complete assortment of supplies, have both backpack straps and a carry handle, and are waterproof, similar to “dry bags” used for kayaking and canoeing.


It goes without saying that trying to imagine what we would do in times of a dire emergency is not the line of thinking we want to engage in. We all have probably thought at one time or another that “this can’t happen to me.” And the odds are it won’t. But I always remember the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared.”

So don’t worry about what could happen, but instead, use your energy to think about how you would respond and what you would need. Any planning and preparation you can do is better than ignoring the possibilities.

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FOR OUR NEXT COLLECTION - July 9 is our next pickup day, and we’ll be collecting all those items that go into making a home. See Week-at-a-Glance for details.

Thanks so much for your cooperation, and as always, we greatly appreciate the thoughtful participation of our members. Cheers!
Review or re-reading Terry's articles by clicking on the link:

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Celebrate the 4th with Star Spangled Festivities in Lake Oswego and West Linn    

Millennium Concert Band

July 3, 7:00 – 8:30 Millennium Plaza Park, downtown LO

Lake Oswego’s esteemed Millennium Concert Band will treat the audience to a captivating repertoire, blending military and marching compositions.  The event will also include the dignified Lake Oswego Honor Guard Presentation of Colors alongside a heartfelt tribute honoring our local veterans. 

Star Spangled Parade

July 4, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Celebrate the 4th by watching a parade of locals decked in red, white and blue, including local high school bands, firetrucks, boy scouts and girl scouts, friends and neighbors.  The parade route goes through downtown Lake Oswego down A Ave to Millennium Plaza Park, where more music and a pie-eating contest will ensue. 

Independence Day Illumination

July 4, from 8 pm to 10:45, Foothills Park, LO

Celebrate the 4th of July with an electrifying concert featuring Kalimba: The Spirit of Earth, Wind & Fire, hailed as the nation’s premier tribute to the legendary Earth, Wind and Fire band.  A dazzling laser light show will paint the night sky with a symphony of colors.  Lasers will start around 10:15 pm. Bring a blanket or low sand chair.  

West Linn Annual Old Time Fair

July 12 – 14, Willamette Park in West Linn

This is West Linn's signature annual event held in beautiful Willamette Park at the confluence of the Tualatin and Willamette Rivers.

West Linn's annual Old Time Fair attracts more than 13,000 people throughout the 3-day event. The Old Time Fair includes:
- West Linn Ambassador Coronation, Crowning of the 2024 Royalty!
- Amusement Rides from Rainer Amusements, LLC
- Olde Time Baseball Game
- Community Parade
- Classic Car & Boat show
- Live Music

- Exhibitor & Food Vendor Booths

- Local organization performers
- Beer Garden 
- and much more


 WLLO &  Villages Events
Check out our calendar on our website homepage. It's easier to read, you can change how information is displayed and the calendar is also printable.
  • Also be sure to check your Week-At-A-Glance email.  Members and Volunteers receive Week-At-A-Glance emails every Sunday with detailed information for the upcoming week.
  • Summary of Regularly Scheduled Events:
    • Ted Talk Discussion Group - Monday 11:00 AM 
    • Brisk Walk Wednesdays at 9:00 AM
    • Chat and Stroll Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
    • 2nd Thursday of the month - Happy Hour in person at 4 PM
    • All Thursdays except the 2nd Thursday of each month, Happy Hour on Zoom at 4 PM
    • The 3rd and Last Friday - Coffee's are in person at 10:00 AM
    • All Fridays except the 3rd and last Friday of each moth Coffee Hour on Zoom at 9:00 AM.
  • For registration, calendar questions, or log-in help, contact the WLLO office (503-308-8223).  To get log in details to specific events, email (Many events are for members and volunteers only.) 


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