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Plant the Seed of Sustainability: Donate to WLLO Village

Your support will help us achieve our long-term goals, and enhance the management of our services. We appreciate any type of gift – one-time donations, or monthly or annual gifts.

We want our Village to grow, thrive and include our friends who don’t have the financial means to participate. Did you know 42% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for their golden years?

You can help us continue to support local aging-in-place by making a charitable donation to WLLO Village. This much-appreciated funding will sustain the vigor and vitality of our village.


How you can make your donation:
  • By credit card:  CLICK HERE
  • By mail: make check out to Villages NW fbo WLLO Village and mail to 333 S State St, Suite V-1, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
  • By Qualified Charitable Donation from your IRA, as part of a Required Minimum Distribution
Please consider including WLLO Village in your charitable giving. Thank you so much for being a villager!

Planned Giving: Including WLLO Village in your Estate Plans

A planned gift provides an opportunity to integrate charitable giving into your overall financial, tax and estate planning to maximize benefits for you and for your village.

You can leave a Legacy Gift using bequest language in your will, leave stock, or name your village as a beneficiary on your bank account, life insurance or retirement fund. If you wish to remember WLLO Village in your will, here is some sample language: “I bequeath ______ (dollar amount or % of estate) to VillagesNW, FBO of WLLO Village, a nonprofit organization operating in the State of Oregon, to be used to further the purposes WLLO Village regards as its greatest need. Tax ID: 46-4190513.”

Or you can consider a Lifetime Gift, made during your lifetime, by directing funds from your required minimum IRA distribution, donating stocks or bonds, creating a donor advised fund or a charitable remainder trust. We are happy to provide more information about leaving a legacy or lifetime gift. If you wish to proceed in making a gift, please let us know your intentions. We can assure you of our confidentiality and discretion in handling your legacy intention.

Anyone can make a gift – no matter how small or large. Gifts of all sizes and types are welcome and improve our community in many ways. We are happy to talk with you about options, and of course we also advise you to talk to a tax professional or attorney to determine the best method for achieving your philanthropic goals while making your financial plans. Please contact our office at (503) 308-8223, or email if you would like to discuss your options and plans.

WLLO Village is one of several villages in the Portland Metro area that operate under the umbrella of Villages NW. As a donor, please note that Villages NW is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and that all donations to WLLO Village are made to Villages NW for the benefit of WLLO Village.